9th Annual Conference | October 2024 | James Madison University

The Honors College at James Madison University welcomes you to the 9th Annual National Society for Minorities in Honors Conference, which will occur at James Madison University between October 17th and 19th, 2024. 

We encourage presentations and workshops highlighting the student experience in Honors Programs and Colleges. We invite Honors administrators, educators, and students to submit proposals; there will not be a separate track for students.

The theme for this year’s conference is: Centering the Student Experience in Honors Programs and Colleges: Highlighting Curricular and Co-curricular Innovations that Center Students from Historically Underrepresented Groups. 

We also welcome proposals of general interest to the NSFMIH community. 


Please submit presentations/participation in the following formats:

Individual Presentation: Please submit a title and an abstract of 250 words or less. Individual presentations will be a 50 (10-minute Q&A included) minute panel with other presenters who have submitted a similar theme. 

Panel Presentation: Conference attendees may organize and submit proposals for a 50-minute panel with multiple presenters (10 minutes of Q&A included). Please submit a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words describing the panel. Only one proposal per panel is required. 

Workshop: Conference attendees may submit proposals for interactive 50-minute workshops. Workshops should include opportunities for participants to work together and must contain interactive components. In a 250-word abstract with a title, please present the goals of the workshop and a description of what participants will take away from it. 

Facilitator: If you are interested in facilitating presentations or workshops. Responsibilities will include meeting with the panelists or facilitators virtually at least two weeks before the presentation, introducing the session, keeping time, and facilitating Questions and Answers. 

The submission deadline is August 19th, with acceptances sent out by August 26th.


 Please contact Dr. Fawn-Amber Montoya at montoyfa@jmu.edu.

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